Monday, February 4, 2008

Vampire Weekend....?!

Youch! A month with no posts.....and my it has been a busy month I'll say. But I stumbled upon an incredible new band who constructed their first record with seemingly little effort and somehow managed to produce one of the best pop albums of the year. I won't say too much about it, because the hype machine is already piping hot with all of the rumors and speculation about Vampire Weekend. All I'll say is that regardless of what type of music you are interested in, I'm pretty sure you'd be able to find at least a song or two on the record that you like. Not only that, but I'm even seeing them when they come to Ann Arbor in a few weeks. I'll post pictures, don't worry. Standout Tracks: Oxford Comma, A-Punk, Walcott, M79, Campus. All of the tracks manage to be inspired, original, yet simple. All of the tracks are smart and eclectic with a mix of pop, classical themes, and indie prep pretentiousness[?...they go to Columbia and write songs about Cape Cod]. Check them out. Oh! And I'll write more soon, I promise. Go Football Giants.