Thursday, December 27, 2007

Juno - I Really Liked It

So I saw "Juno" the other night, and it was pretty much exactly what I was expecting. And that's a good thing! A feelgood movie with some depth, some humor, and some great music. Acting was also pretty good too. It was very interesting to see J.K. Simmons playing somebody else besides the protagonists' jackass boss. Instead this time he was a compassionate father with a love for heating and cooling, and he got the job done surprisingly effectively. Ellen Page and Michael Cera were equally compelling, even though Cera is already flirting with the line of becoming a innocent white-boy character actor. Also, any movie with a pubescent indian kid saying "I think I'm gonna stop wearing underwear so I can raise my sperm count" is gonna float my boat.The real reason I wanted to write this post though, was because of the music in this movie. Juno's soundtrack is similarly indie in the vein of Garden State or Little Miss Sunshine but without as much variety or mainstream sound (like a song that could be on the radio but just isn't discovered yet), and that's not necessarily a bad thing. The Moldy Peaches set the pace with some great songs that really make it seem like the movie could not survive without them. I was also very pleasantly surprised to hear a few Belle and Sebastian hits. While not my favorites, they got the job done and showed some real thought had gone into the soundtrack. At several points in the movie I felt that a Tilly And The Wall song would've fit PERFECTLY into the mood and feelings of the movie. All of their songs are about teenagers touching and doing scandalous things like that. Especially on their first album, Wild Like Children, which is incredible by the way. That album probably could've stood on its own as the soundtrack for this movie, but I'm happy they put some effort into the soundtrack.The songs in the movie are weird in a good kind of way, especially the first one during the opening sequence, but as the movie goes on you really start to feel like you're living the moments they're living in high school all over again (although high school was only last year). All in all, I was impressed by the movie, and Diablo Cody's incredibly quick, witty, and slang-ridden screenplay really represented teenager-dom with the kind of accuracy Superbad did, although obviously with much less vulgarity and profanity. When I got home, I quickly ran to the computer so I could find some ukulele chords or a tab for Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches. All I found were guitar chords, but they work just fine. The lines go G  C  G  C  G  C  and on and on its very easy and fun to play. "You're a part time lover and a full time friend," the first line of the song, so perfectly fits this movie. Go see this movie!


Anonymous said...

I was totally just thinking that this song would be great on ukulele so I tried to find it which brought me here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!
I was trying to find out how to convert the guitar chords for the ukulele.
I was almost going to ask my friend to teach me guitar and let me borrow his. But this is easier. :)
It sounds amazing.

You are awesome for acknowledging the ukulele, and a wonderful song in a great movie.