Saturday, December 8, 2007

My First Post

Well, here it is:

I've always wanted a blog but I never really got around to doing it. Now that I'm a freshman in college at Michigan and I'm changing my ways, I figure it'll be a cool think to look back on over the next couple years.Not only that, but what better time to create a blog than when you're supposed to be studying for finals? I thought so too. It'll be almost like an internet journal, I say. A cultured internet journal with things I like on it, and things I think you should like too. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Anyways, I've been really into Beirut lately-especially when Zach Condon includes mustachio'd men in his music videos. The video for Elephant Gun is simply gorgeous, and you should probably watch it. The song's one of my current favorites as well. Zach Condon is a genius. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Phanny said...

there was a video my friend showed me back in September of Beirut doing a street performance of "Nantes" that got me completely hyped for that new album.

I can't remember exactly what website, but you should definitely google for it.

--Andrew Phan